Differences in React projects utilizing materialize-css compared to those using react-toolbox or material-ui

Is there a difference in technical benefits or code reliability when directly using material-css in JSX versus utilizing JSX specific libraries like material-ui or react-toolbox? Conversely, could using JSX libraries like material-ui or react-toolbox provide performance enhancements, improved reliability, or other measurable advantages compared to incorporating materialize-css code directly into JSX?

When creating React components, I have the option to include materialize-css directly in my JSX:

<div className="row">
    <div className="blue lighten-5 col s12 m1 l1">1</div>
<a className="waves-effect waves-light btn">Stuff</a>

Alternatively, I can choose to use a JSX specific library like material-ui:

import RaisedButton from 'material-ui/RaisedButton';
<RaisedButton label="Submit" type="submit" primary={true} style={style}/>

This inquiry is not about personal preference of libraries or distinguishing between output differences. The question at hand is: are there technical advantages or increased reliabilities by opting for material-ui or similar JSX libraries as opposed to inserting materialize-css code directly into JSX? If there are potential benefits or risks involved, what are they? What precautions should be taken into consideration?

Answer №1

When it comes to buttons, the difference may seem insignificant, which could explain why you're not noticing the optimal path.

However, where Material-UI truly shines is in its functional components. The DatePicker, AutoComplete, and Tabs stand out as prime examples of this. MUI, being built on react, allows for these functional elements to be easily customized using your own events and handlers, a feat that raw css simply cannot achieve.

In addition, the MUI library boasts a significantly larger collection compared to the materialize library.

Answer №2

For those considering the materialcss approach, I highly recommend checking out react-materialize.

While using material style goes beyond just applying stylesheets, integrating JS can streamline the process and offer the benefits of a popular library such as testing, bug fixes, and new features.

One advantage is the ability to create custom components based on materialize while maintaining the overall look and feel of react-materialize components.

Personally, I prefer Material-UI for quickly developing sleek modern apps.

Best of luck with your projects!

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