Columns in Bootstrap4 housing elements positioned absolutely

Recently, I've been developing a game that involves using absolute positioning for certain elements. This is necessary for creating moving animations where elements need to slide around and overlap to achieve a specific effect.

As I focus on optimizing the game's appearance for mobile devices, I encountered some challenges related to Bootstrap columns that contain these absolutely positioned elements.

Check out the desired look of the game (ignoring the number alignment issue), particularly focusing on the red square row in the middle:

The central section of the screen, featuring buttons, emojis, and a centered card icon below, is implemented using rows and columns in the following markup:

<div class="col order-1 order-xl-1 col-4 col-xl-2">
    <div style="display:inline-block">
        <p class="backgrounded-text" style="white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis;"><span id="turn_elem">...</span></span></p>
        <p class="backgrounded-text">Carta attuale: <span id="curr_card"><img class="card_icon" /></span></p>
<div class="reaction_box order-2 order-xl-2 col col-4 col-xl-2">
    <span style="padding-left:5px!important;padding-right:5px!important" class="reaction_title">Reazioni:</span>
        <!-- emojis ... -->
<div class="col order-5 order-xl-3 col-12 col-xl-3">
    <span>...</span><br />
    <span id="hidden_card">
        <img class="card_placeholder" src="..." />
    <span id="card_stack" class="slide_to_right">
        <img class="card_placeholder" src="..." />
    <div id="stacked_card"> 
      <img id="stacked_front" class="card_placeholder" src="..." />
    <div id="hidden_uncovered_card_div">
        <img id="hidden_uncovered_card" class="card_placeholder" src="..." />
<div class="col col-4 order-3 order-xl-4 col-xl-3">
        <button style="width: 49%" class="btn btn-lg btn-dark" id="doubt" @click="doubt()" :disabled="playing_animation">Dubito!</button>
        <button style="width: 49%" class="btn btn-lg btn-dark">
            Metti giù

An interesting aspect of the animations is how the position: absolute property allows manipulation of element positions. For example, the hidden_card image initially hidden to the left of the red card then moves rightward to cover it through jQuery's animate function. Additionally, the main red card (stacked_card) has a duplicate version flipped horizontally with jQuery, sliding to the right to overlap the hidden_uncovered_card. Such animations heavily rely on precise positioning achieved through position: absolute.

However, an issue arises as shown in the current display outcome:

In this rendering, there appears to be unwanted spacing between the top three columns and the one containing the red card back. Although removing position: absolute resolves this spacing problem, doing so disrupts all dependent animations.

Is there a solution to rectify this layout issue without eliminating the position: absolute property? Rewriting the animation code from scratch would be inconvenient, especially considering its flawless functionality on desktop platforms.

To explore further and experience the page's responsiveness firsthand, visit the static webpage available for viewing on mobile devices here.

For a live demonstration of the application (beta version), navigate to the following link here. Feel free to reach out if you require additional details or clarifications regarding the implementation.

Answer №1

Bootstrap utilizes a 12-column grid system.

Ensure you are using them correctly.

Your current setup includes:

<div class="col order-1 order-xl-1 col-4 col-xl-2">The two buttons on the left<div>
<div class="reaction_box order-2 order-xl-2 col col-4 col-xl-2">the emojis</div>
<div class="col order-5 order-xl-3 col-12 col-xl-3">the red cards</div>
<div class="col col-4 order-3 order-xl-4 col-xl-3">the three buttons on the right</div>

You should tidy that up!!!

For instance:

  • col followed by col-4 is equivalent to just col-4, as col-4 overrides col.
  • order-1 and order-xl-1 is redundant if there is no order-md-3 (for example). Just use order-1 in this case.

Make sure you properly utilize the 12 grid spaces for these 4 divs.

Concerning the usage of col and col-*, for mobile size, you currently have 24 spaces used out of 12.

  1. 4 spaces
  2. 4 spaces
  3. 12 spaces
  4. 4 spaces

When col-xl-* applies, you have 10 spaces used out of 12 intentionally.

  1. 2 spaces
  2. 2 spaces
  3. 3 spaces
  4. 3 spaces

Here is a suggested start:

<div class="col-3 col-xl-2 order-1">The two buttons on the left<div>
<div class="reaction_box col-4 col-xl-2 order-2">the emojis</div>
<div class="col-2 col-xl-3 order-3">the red cards</div>
<div class="col-3 order-4">the three buttons on the right</div>

This won't change XL size, but it will result in this output (iPhone 6/7/8 mode):

A good starting point.

The key is to organize classes properly... All the col-* from default to the larger specific size, then the order-* accordingly. This ensures readability of the markup.



To make the red cards appear like they are on a separate row:

<div class="col-4 col-xl-2 order-1">The two buttons on the left<div>
<div class="reaction_box col-4 col-xl-2 order-2">the emojis</div>
<div class="col-10 col-xl-3 order-4 order-xl-3 sm-translateUp">the red cards</div>
<div class="col-4 order-3 order-xl-4">the three buttons on the right</div>

Note the changed order and the addition of the .sm-translateUp class which would be:

@media screen and (max-width: 576px){
     transform: translateY(-85px);

This results in:

Now that certainly looks like a bit of a hack... (LOL) But given that the col is contained within its parent .row, this is the solution for now.

Ensure that class is defined within all necessary @media rules for each Bootstrap breakpoint:

  • sm: >= 576px
  • md: >= 768px
  • lg: >= 992px
  • xl: >= 1200px

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