Issue with jQuery incorrectly calculating height post-refresh

I am currently utilizing jQuery to vertically center various elements on a webpage. Due to lack of support in older versions of IE, I cannot use the table-cell CSS statement. Therefore, I am using jQuery to calculate half of the height and then position it in the middle by applying a negative margin.

Everything works perfectly when I manually refresh the page by using the address bar. However, if I press the reload button, the calculated height is incorrect and ends up positioned too low. For instance, when the element's height is 863px, jQuery sets margin-top: -228.5px;

Thank you in advance.

function verticalCenter(object) {
    objectHeight = $(object).height() / -2;

$( document ).ready(function() {

Answer №1

When any image content is not downloaded on document.ready, the height will be adjusted afterwards. A solution to this issue is to utilize:


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