Attempting to bind an input parameter using NgStyle in Angular version 2 and above

Issue: I am in need of a single component (spacer) with a width of 100% and a customizable height that can be specified wherever it is used in the HTML (specifically in home.html for testing):

  number 1
  <spacer height="'200px'"></spacer>
  no more

The spacer.html:

<div class="container-fluid spaceContainer" [ngStyle]="{'height': 'height'}">
  spacer is here  <<<--- this text is just for testing

The scss:

.spaceContainer {
  width: 100%;
  border: 1px solid red;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;


import {Component, Input, OnInit} from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'spacer',
  templateUrl: './spacer.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./spacer.component.scss']
export class SpacerComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() height: string;

  constructor() {

  ngOnInit() {
    console.log('The height is '+ this.height);

Upon execution, the console.log displays: The height is '200px'. However, the actual height of the red-bordered box only accommodates the 'spacer is here' text.

I have difficulties understanding binding, so I have attempted the following:

<spacer height="200px"></spacer>

Console logs: The height is 200px. Although I expected it to work, there was no change. Lacking comprehension of attr, I tried different variations such as attr.height.

This should be simple and might help clarify my confusion regarding how binding functions. Thank you in advance, Yogi

Answer №1

The error can be found on this particular line:

[ngStyle]="{'height': 'height'}"
                 It needs to simply be set as height

Instead of binding height to the string 'height', you should bind it to the height property of your component like so:

[ngStyle]="{'height': height}">? 



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