Utilizing identical CSS for both mobile and desktop interfaces, while customizing margins and paddings separately

I am facing a problem on my website where the padding and margins appear differently on different devices. I have compared screenshots of the site on an Android device and my desktop PC:

Site displayed on mobile device:

Desktop view:

Below is the CSS code being used:

(CSS code here)

And this is the HTML markup:

(HTML code here)

I have been looking for a solution to this issue, and so far, the suggestion I found was to add the -text-size-adjust: none; code, but unfortunately, it did not resolve the problem.

Answer №1

It's possible that I may have misinterpreted the question, but it seems like he is questioning why his website displays with different margins in various browsers.

Keep in mind:

Each browser has its own default 'user agent' stylesheet to enhance the readability of unstyled websites. For example, browsers typically make links blue and visited links purple by default, add border and padding to tables, apply different font sizes to headings, and add padding to elements. -

To address this issue, you can implement a "css reset" such as normalize (https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css) to ensure consistent display across all web browsers.

Answer №2

@media screen and(min-width:320px){
//define your styles here

@media screen and(min-width:990px){
//customize your styles for larger screens

Using media queries is essential to ensure proper styling across various device sizes.

Answer №3

After struggling with this issue for days, I finally found the simple answer:

<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1">

From now on, I've made a rule for myself: ALWAYS include the viewport metatag when developing for device compatibility.

Answer №4

What sets it apart? Utilizing the universal CSS selector * allows you to perform a complete "reset."


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