Utilizing KnockoutJS to Apply CSS Binding Based on Dropdown Selection

Check out the live example here: http://jsfiddle.net/0gmbbv5w/

In my application, I have an object retrieved from the database that I bind to a <select>

var NoticeType = function (noticeType) {
    this.NoticeTypeId = ko.observable(noticeType.NoticeTypeId);
    this.NoticeLevel = ko.observable(noticeType.NoticeLevel);
    this.FriendlyName = noticeType.FriendlyNoticeLevel;

In the viewmodel, this object will be populated like this

NoticeType: new NoticeType({
    NoticeTypeId: 2,
    NoticeLevel: 'info',
    FriendlyNoticeLevel: 'Informational'

The NoticeTypeId is stored in the database, the NoticeLevel is a CSS class bound to an element. 'FriendlyName' is displayed as the option text.

When adding a new notice, the NoticeLevel should change the CSS class as the dropdown selection changes.

<select data-bind="options: $parent.noticeTypes, optionsText: 'FriendlyName', value: noticeType"></select>

<div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="span12">
        <div class="alert" data-bind="css: alertLevel">
            <h4>Just a reminder!</h4>
            <span>This is a sample of what your notice will look like. The header is the Subject, and this text is the Message</span>

The issue I'm facing is with binding the CSS class when editing an existing notice. I have to remove the optionsValue binding to make it work properly. When editing, the binding doesn't map back the data correctly, always showing the "basic" notice type.

Is there a way to resolve this issue? Am I overlooking something? Adding or editing a notice updates the CSS class correctly, but when initially editing a notice, the CSS class binding fails.

self.editNotice = function (item) {
    self.noticeToAdd(new NoticeToAdd(ko.toJS(item)));

var NoticeToAdd = function (notice) {

    var self = this;

    if (!notice) {
        notice = {};

    this.noticeId = ko.observable(notice.NoticeId || notice.noticeId);
    this.subject = ko.observable(notice.Subject || notice.subject);
    this.body = ko.observable(notice.Body || notice.body);
    this.publishDate = ko.observable(notice.PublishDate || notice.publishDate);
    this.expireDate = ko.observable(notice.ExpireDate || notice.expireDate);
    this.sticky = ko.observable(notice.Sticky || notice.sticky);
    this.includeDismiss = ko.observable(notice.IncludeDismissAction || notice.includeDismiss || true);
    this.noticeType = ko.observable(notice.NoticeType || notice.noticeType);
    this.showDismissal = ko.observable(false);

    //CSS binding
    this.alertLevel = ko.pureComputed(function() { 
        return self.noticeType() ? 'alert-' + self.noticeType().NoticeLevel() : 'alert-basic';

    this.ableToAddNotice = ko.pureComputed(function () {
        return $.trim(self.body()) != "";


Answer №1

In your test data, the noticeType objects are not the same as the objects in your noticeTypes observable array. They are different objects with the same data.

To ensure consistency, you should select the exact objects from the noticeTypes array:

//Test data!
var successType = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.noticeTypes(), function (type) {
    return type.NoticeLevel() === 'success';
var warningType = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.noticeTypes(), function (type) {
    return type.NoticeLevel() === 'warning';
var infoType = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.noticeTypes(), function (type) {
    return type.NoticeLevel() === 'info';
var dangerType = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.noticeTypes(), function (type) {
    return type.NoticeLevel() === 'danger';

Then, you can initialize your test data like this:

self.notices.push(new NoticeToAdd({
    NoticeId: 1,
    Subject: 'Notice this!',
    Body: '<strong>YO!</strong> this is a super cool notice man',
    NoticeType: successType
self.notices.push(new NoticeToAdd({
    NoticeId: 2,
    Subject: 'Notice this!',
    Body: '<strong>YO!</strong> this is a super cool notice man',
    NoticeType: warningType
self.notices.push(new NoticeToAdd({
    NoticeId: 3,
    Subject: 'Notice this!',
    Body: '<strong>YO!</strong> this is a super cool notice man',
    NoticeType: infoType
self.notices.push(new NoticeToAdd({
    NoticeId: 4,
    Subject: 'Notice this!',
    Body: '<strong>YO!</strong> this is a super cool notice man',
    NoticeType: dangerType
self.notices.push(new NoticeToAdd({
    NoticeId: 5,
    Subject: 'Notice this!',
    Body: '<strong>YO!</strong> this is a super cool notice man'

View the updated fiddle:

When receiving proper data from the server, the process should be simplified:

var someType = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.noticeTypes(), function (type) {
    return type.NoticeTypeId() === NoticeTypeIdFromTheServer;

Answer №2

Ensure that the noticeType selected for the options binding is part of the noticeTypes array. If the selected item is not found in the array, the <select> will default to the first option, "basic."

To fix this issue, locate the object in the noticeTypes array that matches the current noticeType and set that as the value.

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