The ion-datetime in Ionic 4 ensures that the floating label always remains visible, even when the input

When an ion-datetime field in Ionic 4 has no value, the label always floats as shown below.

Here is my code snippet:

<form [formGroup]="statusHandlerForm">
    <ion-item class="input-container " align-items-center no-padding>
      <ion-label position="floating" no-margin no-padding>Date of Loss</ion-label>
      <ion-datetime no-padding formControlName="dateOfLoss" display-format="MMM DD, YYYY"></ion-datetime>
      <ion-icon src="/assets/icon/calendar.svg" color="primary" slot="end"></ion-icon>

Here is the output image:

Answer №1

I was able to partially resolve this issue by dynamically adjusting the position attribute:

<ion-label [position]="statusHandlerForm.controls.dateOfLoss.value ? 'floating' : null">Date of Loss</ion-label>

With this solution, the label will act as a placeholder and transition to a floating position when the field is populated.

However, there is a noticeable difference in the animation compared to standard floating labels.

I hope this explanation helps!

Here's an example using your code as a reference:

<form [formGroup]="statusHandlerForm">
    <ion-item class="input-container " align-items-center no-padding>
      <ion-label [position]="statusHandlerForm.controls.dateOfLoss.value ? 'floating' : null" no-margin no-padding>Date of Loss</ion-label>
      <ion-datetime no-padding formControlName="dateOfLoss" display-format="MMM DD, YYYY"></ion-datetime>
      <ion-icon src="/assets/icon/calendar.svg" color="primary" slot="end"></ion-icon>

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