Pseudo-element fails to display in React when applied to a paragraph tag, even with display block property set

I am experiencing an issue where the pseudo element ::after is not appearing in my browser. I am currently working with React.js and Material UI's makeStyles.

Here is the code snippet causing the problem:

modalTitle: {
    borderBottom: '2px solid red',
    display: 'block',
    margin: '10px 15px',
    padding: '0',
    width: '100px',

    '&::after': {
        background: 'green',
        content: '',
        display: 'block',
        height: '2px',
        width: '2px',

Interestingly, the styles defined under modalTitle are rendering correctly, but the pseudo element is not displaying. Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

This particular issue can be a bit tricky to navigate. When utilizing makeStyles, it expects a styles object (or a function that returns an object). This object uses class names as keys and objects containing attribute-value pairs as values. These values are strings, such as "block", "green", or "10px 15px".

In CSS, the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements allow for the addition of content onto the page. Every pseudo-element must include a CSS content property, as without it, the default value is set to normal/none, resulting in no content being displayed.

The problem lies within your code where you have included content: '' in your object. What you actually need to do is pass an empty string as the CSS value, like this: content: '""'.

Similarly, if you wish to insert text using the content property, you cannot simply add the string. Instead, ensure to encapsulate the text within quotes and pass it as a string:

// ❌ this approach won't work
  content: 'some text',

// ✅ this approach will work
  content: '"some text"',

To resolve this issue and successfully add the element, you can implement the following:

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  modalTitle: {
    borderBottom: '2px solid red',
    display: 'block',
    margin: '10px 15px',
    padding: '0',
    width: '100px',

    '&::after': {
      background: 'green',
      content: '""',
      display: 'block',
      height: '2px',
      width: '2px',

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