Having trouble with the postcss-import grunt plugin?

Here is the layout of my project:

|-- css
|   -- main.css
|-- css-dev
|   -- main.css
|-- node_modules
|   -- bootstrap
|       -- dist
|           -- css
|               -- bootstrap.css
|-- package.json
`-- Gruntfile.js

The contents of my Gruntfile.js are as follows:

module.exports = function (grunt) {
    var processorArray = [
        pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
        postcss: {
            options: {
                processors: processorArray
            dist: {
                files: [{
                    expand: true,
                    cwd: 'css-dev/',
                    src: ['**/*.css'],
                    dest: 'css/'
        watch: {
            scripts: {
                files: ['css-dev/*.css'],
                tasks: ['postcss'],
                options: {
                    spawn: false



My intention is to utilize the postcss-import Grunt plugin to import the bootstrap.css file into the css-dev/main.css, then minify it and place the final result in the css directory under the name main.css.

This is the content of the main.css file located in the css-dev directory:

@import "bootstrap.css";

/* normalize selectors */
h1::before, h1:before {
    /* reduce shorthand even further */
    margin: 10px 20px 10px 20px;
    /* reduce color values */
    color: #ff0000;
    /* drop outdated vendor prefixes */
    -webkit-border-radius: 16px;
    border-radius: 16px;
    /* remove duplicated properties */
    font-weight: normal;
    font-weight: normal;
    /* reduce position values */
    background-position: bottom right;

/* correct invalid placement */
@charset "utf-8";

    font: 12px Calibri;

Although everything seems to be set up correctly, after running the Grunt tasks, the @import does not seem to be working as expected. The resulting file looks like this:

@import "bootstrap.css";h1:before{margin:10px 20px;color:red;border-radius:16px;font-weight:400;background-position:100% 100%}.test{font:2px Calibri}

Unexpectedly, the content of the bootstrap file was not imported into the main.css file.

What could be causing this issue and how can I resolve it?

Answer №1

Your bootstrap css file may not be found by postcss-import. You can specify the exact location for it to look using the path property.

var processorArray = [
        path: 'node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css'
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    postcss: {
        options: {
            processors: processorArray
        dist: {
            files: [{
                expand: true,
                cwd: 'css-dev/',
                src: ['**/*.css'],
                dest: 'css/'
    watch: {
        scripts: {
            files: ['css-dev/*.css'],
            tasks: ['postcss'],
            options: {
                spawn: false


The method of pulling your css libraries will determine how they are automatically found. According to the plugin's documentation:

This plugin can consume local files, node modules or web_modules. To resolve path of an @import rule, it can look into root directory (by default process.cwd()), web_modules, node_modules or local modules. When importing a module, it will looks for index.css or file referenced in package.json in the style or main fields. You can also provide manually multiples paths where to look at.

If you import your bootstrap css as

@import "bootstrap.css";

It will only search in these places automatically


Changing your import to

@import "bootstrap";

Will prompt a search in these folders for index.css


If you have used a package manager to get your css library and there is a package.json in its root folder


The package.json can guide postcss on where to locate the library through the main or style property

    "main": "dist/css/bootstrap.css"

Ultimately, the method of pulling your libraries will affect how they are found. If you manually place them in nested folders beyond the plugin's automatic search range, you'll need to add the direct paths to the file in the path object as shown in my original response.

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