Utilizing CSS and Tailwind with either flexbox or grid to showcase repeated information in a layout of three rows

For a school project, I am exploring the use of CSS and Tailwind to enhance my learning. My task involves displaying data using a loop in Vue. The challenge is that this data needs to be presented in rows of 3, 2, and 3 in desktop view, while appearing stacked underneath each other in mobile view. In desktop view, it is essential for all items to be uniform in size and for the second row's items to be centered. I am unsure about the best approach to achieve the layout shown in the image below:


Answer №1

It's not completely impossible with Tailwind, but given its rapid growth in popularity, who knows what might be achievable in the future.

The overall layout is simple, except for the tricky middle row. To tackle this, I included some additional margins to ensure only 2 items are displayed on that row. This is where your custom CSS skills would come into play, allowing you to target those specific items using the :nth-child() selector.

Check out this CodePen link for reference

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