Navigate through the Jquery slider by continuously scrolling to the right or simply clicking

Is there a way to prevent my slider from continuously scrolling? I think it has something to do with the offset parameter but I'm having trouble figuring it out. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

var $container = $(container);

var resizeFn = function () {
    var small = $(window).width() < 800;
    $container.toggleClass('four', small).toggleClass('six', !small);

var toggleButtons = function () {


var nextPane = function (e) {
    e && e.preventDefault();
    var $container = $(this).closest('.grid-container');
    var $items = $('.items', $container);
    var offset = $items.css('marginLeft').replace('px', '');
    var width = $container.width() + parseInt($('.item', $container).css('marginRight').replace('px', ''));
    $items.css('marginLeft', offset - width);

var prevPane = function (e) {
    e && e.preventDefault();
    var $container = $(this).closest('.grid-container');
    var $items = $('.items', $container);
    var offset = $items.css('marginLeft').replace('px', '');
    var width = $container.width() + parseInt($('.item', $container).css('marginRight').replace('px', '')); 
    $items.css('marginLeft', offset + width);


$('.next', $container).click(nextPane);
$('.prev', $container).click(prevPane);

Check out this jsFiddle for more help.

Answer №1


let size = $('.element').width() + parseInt($('.element', $box).css('marginRight').replace('px', ''));

instead of $box.width() in both

let forwardSlide = function (e) {
let backwardSlide = function (e) {
and it functions properly

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