Unknown CSS element discovered: bootstrap, gradient, carousel

I recently created a random quote app using javascript, jQuery, and bootstrap on Codepen. Everything worked perfectly there. However, when I organized the files, pushed them to git, and tried to view the app from Safari, I encountered some warnings and the page is not displaying correctly. Could it be that I missed something during the transfer process? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (bootstrap.min.css, line 5)
  [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (bootstrap.min.css, line 5)
  [Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (bootstrap.min.css, line 5)

Answer №1

I resolved the issue by utilizing bootstrap.css instead of bootstrap.min.css.

If you search for progid, you will come across 3 lines that can be commented out, like so:

/*filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(enabled = false);*/

By doing this, you can avoid encountering any errors. I personally believe these lines are meant for Internet Explorer 8, but since it is no longer in use, I have chosen to disregard it.

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