JavaScript class name modifications are not functioning as expected

Testing a sprite sheet on a small web page I created. The code for each sprite in sprites.css is structured like this...

.a320_0 {
   top: 0px;
   left: 0px;
   width: 60px;
   height: 64px;
   background: url("images/sprites.png") no-repeat -787px -398px;

The layout of my test page is as follows...

var i = 0

function imageChange() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var hdg = i * 15;
    document.getElementById('image').className = "a320_" + hdg;
    if (i < 24) {
  }, 1000)
<div id='imageContainer'>
  <div id='image'></div>

Verified that the class name changes during the loop and matches classes in my style sheet. Both sprites.css and sprites.png are located in the images folder within the same directory as my page.

When directly applying a rule from the style sheet to the page with #image, I can display the specific image, confirming correct sprite coordinates. However, placing the styles into the actual css file or using .className = does not yield the expected result. Previously functional setup now encountering issues, seeking assistance...

Answer №1

Make sure to use

document.getElementById("image").classList.add("a320_" + hdg);

var x = 0;

function changeImage() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var hdg = x * 15;
    document.getElementById("image").classList.add("a320_" + hdg);
    if (x < 24) {
  }, 1000);

.a320_0 {
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  width: 60px;
  height: 64px;
  background: url("") no-repeat -787px -398px;
<div id='imageContainer'>
  <div id='image'></div>

Check it out on Codepen

Answer №2

Although your script appears to be accurate, there seems to be a significant syntax error causing it to not produce the intended outcome.

When applying a class name to an HTML element using JavaScript, the correct syntax is as follows:"property value");

For instance, your code should look like this:

document.getElementById('image').classList.add("a320_" + hdg);

The correction only needs to be made in the javascript section:

var i = 0

function imageChange() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var hdg = i * 15;
    document.getElementById('image').classList.add("a320_" + hdg);
    if (i < 24) {
  }, 1000)

I trust this information proves beneficial!

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