Issues encountered when incorporating personalized CSS into a Vuetify element

Working with the Vuetify selector input component, v-select, and wanting to customize its style led me to inspecting it in Chrome and copying down the necessary classes. For instance, to change the font size of the active value, I utilized:

.v-select__selections {
    font-size: 20px;

Although this method worked initially, I soon discovered that my styles were not affecting any parts of the navigation drawer that are normally hidden. Even when trying to adjust the height of the menu content using:

.v-menu__content {
    height: 500px;

No changes occurred. Despite using important declarations, it seemed like my CSS wasn't reaching those components at all. Why?

This issue might be attributed to the active-based nature of the drawer part of the selector component. Is there a specific way to target these elements in CSS? Unfortunately, I cannot provide a Jsfiddle as Vuetify renders differently from what I've encountered. The version in use is Vuetify 1.1.7.

The styles are directly included in the component's .vue file, non-scoped. Vuetify and Vuetify styles have been imported in main.js:

import Vuetify from 'vuetify'
import 'vuetify/dist/vuetify.min.css'
import 'material-design-icons-iconfont/dist/material-design-icons.css'

File structure (Default structure from vue init webpack -myProject):


Additionally, attempts were made utilizing deep selectors but the issue persisted with the hidden menu components:

>>>.v-menu__content {
    height: 500px;

Therefore, the problem faced is distinct from issues mentioned here:

Vuetify - CSS not working (taking effect) inside component

Answer №1

When dealing with the vuetify selector component in SCSS, I encountered a similar issue. It's important to note that .v-menu__content is not actually nested inside .v-select, even though it may seem like it should be. Instead, it exists at the same level as v-app for some reason.

To avoid any conflicts, make sure that the following code snippet:

.v-menu__content {
    height: 500px;

is not mistakenly placed within any other components in your SCSS file.

Answer №2

When incorporating deep selectors, the format to follow is

.any_parent_class(can vary) >>>> target_class{


I experimented with a scoped selector and it proved successful. For example:

.flex >>>> .v-menu__content{

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