Using Bootstrap 3 to implement various grid systems within a single website

For a current project I am working on, my goal is to fill the entire .container with 7 columns within my grid system. To achieve this, I plan on adjusting the Less variable (@grid-columns) before compiling a bootstrap.css file at

However, what if I need to revert back to the standard 12 column grid system for another section of the same site?

If I were to create a separate bootstrap.css file while keeping the @grid-columns at 12, I would run into issues when loading it in a browser because it would conflict with the previously created bootstrap.css. This is due to the fact that both files will contain similar class references such as .col-md-7.

I am struggling to find a solution to this problem, but there must be a way to address it, right? Or perhaps I am overlooking something.

Answer №1

One option is to consider utilizing 84 columns in your layout. In this scenario, if you require 7 columns, each column would have a width equivalent to 12 bootstrap columns: 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 = 84

Alternatively, if you need 12 columns, each column should be set to the size of 7 bootstrap columns: 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 = 84

This approach can be effective, although it may involve some initial calculations.

If all else fails, resorting to basic math could provide a solution.

Another alternative is to customize the SASS or LESS version of Bootstrap by creating your personalized version. This involves adding classes akin to col-7-xs-.... Upon inspection of the SASS version, I found mixins within the _grid-framework.scss file that are modifiable and usable for integrating your own grid classes effortlessly.

There shouldn't be any reason why this method wouldn't be successful.

Answer №2

Before deciding to implement another grid system for just a couple of instances with 7 columns, consider the approach taken by Bootstrap on their components page They creatively use custom CSS without relying on the grid system to create 8 "columns" for icons using an unordered list.

Here's a suggestion:,css,output

HTML (comments prevent extra space from inline-block)

 <div class="container">
  <div class="row seven-col">
    <div>1</div><!-- do not remove 
    --><div>2</div><!-- do not remove 
    --><div>3</div><!-- do not remove 
    --><div>4</div><!-- do not remove 
    --><div>5</div><!-- do not remove 
    --><div>6</div><!-- do not remove 

CSS: {
    text-align: center
} > div {
    border: 1px solid red;
    padding-left: 15px;
    padding-right: 15px;
    min-height: 30px;
@media (min-width:480px) { > div {
        display: inline-block;
        width: 50%;
@media (min-width:600px) { > div {
        width: 25%
@media (min-width:992px) { > div {
        width: 14.285%

This method reduces the amount of CSS needed compared to adding another grid system solely for a few instances with 7 columns.


The .img-responsive class may not work within inline-block elements or tables with display: table, etc. In such cases, use: img {width:100%;height:auto;}

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