Click to reveal additional images once the "show more" button is pressed

Hey there! I'm currently working on implementing a feature where, upon clicking "show more", 3 images will be displayed. And if the user clicks again, another set of 3 images will appear, and so on. I seem to be facing some difficulties with the JavaScript part of it. Any help in identifying the error would be greatly appreciated.

You can find my code on fiddle here

$(document).ready(function () {
                image_x = $(".handler .col-md-4").size();
                $('.handler .col-md-4:lt('+x+')').show();
                $('#loadMore').click(function () {
                    x= (x+5 <= image_x) ? x+1 : image_x;
                    $('.handler .col-md-4:lt('+x+')').show();
                $('#showLess').click(function () {
                    x=(x-5<0) ? 3 : x-5;
                    $('.handler .col-md-4').not(':lt('+x+')').hide();
.col-md-4 {
                width: 100%;
                text-align: center;
            .col-md-6 {
                width: 100%;
                text-align: center;
            #loadmore {

             border: 1px solid;
             padding: 20px;
            #loadless {

             border: 1px solid;
             padding: 20px;
<div class="handler">
            <div class="col-md-4">
               <div class="livery-article">
                  <a href="/blogs/good-company/72810435-hello-america">
                     <img class="livery-article-image"
            <br />
            <div class="col-md-4">
               <div class="livery-article">
                  <a href="/blogs/good-company/72810435-hello-america">
                     <img class="livery-article-image"
            <br />
            <div class="col-md-4">
               <div class="livery-article">
                  <a href="/blogs/good-company/72810435-hello-america">
                     <img class="livery-article-image"
            <br />
            <div class="col-md-4">
               <div class="livery-article">
                  <a href="/blogs/good-company/72810435-hello-america">
                     <img class="livery-article-image"
            <br />
                <br />
                <br />
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <a href="#" id="loadmore">show more image</a>
                    <a href="#" id="loadless">show more image</a>
                <br />
                <br />
                <br />
                <br />
                <br />
                <br />

Answer №1

The code needed some minor adjustments. The id used in the HTML and jQuery were not aligned properly. I have made changes to update displays by toggling the CSS display.

$(document).ready(function () {
   $('.handler li:lt('+x+')').css('display','block');
   $('.handler li').not(':lt('+x+')').css('display','none');
$('#loadMore').click(function () {
   image_x = $(".handler li").size();
   x= (x+1 <= image_x) ? x+1 : image_x;
   $('.handler li:lt('+x+')').css('display','block');
$('#loadLess').click(function () {
   image_x = $(".handler li").size();
   x=(x-1<=0) ? 3 : x-1;
   $('.handler li').not(':lt('+x+')').css('display','none');

For more information, please check out:

Answer №2

Check out the revised code

After reviewing your code, I noticed several logic problems and typos in class names.

Therefore, I made some adjustments to your code. Please see if these changes meet your requirements.

Appreciate the opportunity to help (:

Answer №3

Although there were some mistakes in your code, such as using incorrect id's and other issues, I won't dwell on the minor typos and syntax errors that may not be useful knowledge for others in the future. Instead, I will show you my approach to solving the problem.

I recommend creating an object that contains a function for each action.

  • The showMore function should increment the counter and display the appropriate items.
  • The showLess function should decrement the counter and hide the appropriate items.

Create a single function that shows or hides items based on the counter value, and shows or hides each action depending on whether it can be used or not. Call this function at the end of each action defined earlier.

Add a delegated event listener to the parent element of the controls, find the correct function based on the id, and execute it. I included a fallback in case the code changes and can no longer locate the correct function.

I've simplified the HTML and utilized placeholder images to reduce the size of the demo below. However, it is compatible with your original HTML structure.

$(document).ready(function() {
    var images = $(".handler > div").hide(), x = 1;
    var showMore = $('#showMore');
    var showLess = $('#showLess');
    var funcs = {
       'showMore': function() { ++x; show(); },
       'showLess': function() { --x; show(); }
    $('.controls').on('click', 'a', function(e){
        return (funcs[] || function(){})(), false;
    function show() {
        images.hide().filter(function(i){ return i < (x * 3); }).show();{ return !':hidden'); }).hide();{ return x === 1; }).hide();
.handler { width: 600px; } .handler > div { display: inline-block; }
<script src=""></script><div class="handler"><div class="col-md-4"><div class="livery-article"><img src="//"></div></div><div class="col-md-4"><div class="livery-article"><img src="//"></div></div><div class="col-md-4"><div class="livery-article"><img src="//"></div></div><div class="col-md-4"><div class="livery-article"><img src="//"></div></div><div class="col-md-4"><div class="livery-article"><img src="//"></div></div><div class="col-md-4"><div class="livery-article"><img src="//"></div></div><div class="col-md-4"><div class="livery-article"><img src="//"></div></div><div class="col-md-4"><div class="livery-article"><img src="//"></div></div></div><br /><div class="col-md-6 controls"><a href="#" id="showMore">show more images</a> <a href="#" id="showLess">show less images</a></div>

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