Incorporating Entrance Animations for Individual Elements within ngView Using AngularJS

Can each content within ngView be animated individually upon entering, rather than the entire View (div) itself?

Answer №1

To create animations, the most common method is to write custom CSS for the specific animations using transition APIs such as (transition: all linear 0.5s;) in CSS. Whether you are animating ng-show/ng-hide elements or utilizing ng-view, custom CSS is key.

<div ng-controller="MainCtrl as main">
  <a href="Book/Moby">Moby</a> |
  <a href="Book/Moby/ch/1">Moby: Ch1</a> |
  <a href="Book/Gatsby">Gatsby</a> |
  <a href="Book/Gatsby/ch/4?key=value">Gatsby: Ch4</a> |
  <a href="Book/Scarlet">Scarlet Letter</a><br/>

  <div class="view-animate-container">
    <div ng-view class="view-animate"></div>
  <hr />

  <pre>$location.path() = {{main.$location.path()}}</pre>
  <pre>$route.current.templateUrl = {{main.$route.current.templateUrl}}</pre>
  <pre>$route.current.params = {{main.$route.current.params}}</pre>
  <pre>$routeParams = {{main.$routeParams}}</pre>


.view-animate-container {
  border:1px solid black;

.view-animate {
}, {
  transition:all cubic-bezier(0.250, 0.460, 0.450, 0.940) 1.5s;

  border-left:1px solid black;

} {
} {
} {

Source: Angular Docs

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