What is the best way to apply overlays to customize a specific part of a single character while also accommodating dynamic width adjustments?


Is it feasible to style a specific portion of a single character?


You cannot apply CSS attributes to parts of characters. However, if you wish to style only a particular section of a character, there is currently no standardized method to achieve this.


Can you apply styles to an "X" where half is red and the other half is black?

Ineffective Code

<div class="content"> 
.content {
    position: relative;
    font-size: 50px;
    color: black;

.content:after {
    content: 'X';
    color: red;
    width: 50%;
    position: absolute;
    overflow: hidden;

Check out the demo on jsFiddle


I am looking to style the Font Awesome icon-star symbol. If I have a dynamic-width overlay, shouldn't it be possible to accurately represent scores visually?

Answer №1

While experimenting with a demo fiddle, I managed to solve the problem on my own and wanted to share my solution. It's surprisingly straightforward.

First things first: Check out the DEMO here

If you want to style a single character in a unique way, you'll need some additional markup for your content. Essentially, you have to duplicate it:

<​div class="content">
    <span class="overlay">X</span>

Although using pseudo-elements like :after or :before would be more elegant, I couldn't find a way to make it work.

The overlay must be absolutely positioned relative to the content element:

​.content {
    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;
    color: black;

​.overlay {
    width: 50%;
    position: absolute;
    color: red;
    overflow: hidden;

Don't forget to include overflow: hidden; to clip the excess part of the "X".

You can adjust the width as needed instead of sticking to 50%, providing great flexibility with this approach. You can even customize the height, other CSS properties, or combine multiple attributes.

Explore the Extended DEMO further

Answer №2

Impressive job on your solution. I have developed a version that utilizes :after (instead of repeating the content in the HTML) and it is functioning smoothly in Chrome 19.

To summarize:

  1. Apply position:relative to .content
  2. Absolutely position :after
  3. Set :after to have overflow:hidden
  4. Adjust the width, height, text-indent, and line-height of :after to conceal certain parts of it.

Although I am uncertain about its cross-browser compatibility — as the em values may vary across browsers. (Note that it will not function properly in IE 7 or older versions).

Furthermore, you may need to replicate the content in your CSS file instead of the HTML, which might not be the most ideal approach depending on the circumstances.

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