Mastering the Art of Customizing Styling in Ant Design

I'm currently working with a table from Ant Design, but I'm facing an issue where the padding or margin applied by the Ant Design CSS is preventing the table from expanding on the left side. The table has an inline CSS of table layout: auto which I cannot seem to remove. I've tried using CSS Meyer's reset and adding margin: 0 !important to various elements, but the padding just won't go away. Below is some code for reference. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

    background-size: cover; 
    background-repeat: no-repeat;




    text-align: center;
    margin-right: auto;

.ant-table-thead .ant-table-cell {
    text-shadow:0px 1px 1px black;
    display:flex column;


    margin:0 !important;
    display:flex column;
    justify-content:space-around !important;

.ant-table-content table{
    margin:0 !important;


    display:flex column;

    padding: 0 !important;
  .ant-table-tbody  > tr > td{
    padding: 0 !important;

    margin:0 !important;

return (
          backgroundImage: `url(${wine})`,
        <animated.div style={props}>
          <h4 className="wine-heading">Carmellos Wine List</h4>

          <Table dataSource={dataSource} columns={columns} pagination={false} />

Answer №1

Are you trying to customize the CSS in an antd table? I had a similar problem a few days ago. You can import a winelist.css file: Inspect the HTML elements in Chrome and find the CSS selector, then override the styles as needed

[![Click here for image description]

You can experiment with overriding styles here, focusing on padding within the <a> tag.

Answer №2

When using a developer tool, locate the specific table div that contains padding or margin.

To override this in your project's global CSS file, add padding and margin of 0 with !important to the same class. This should resolve the issue.

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