Can you explain the meaning of 1__qem?

While looking at the default styles applied to HTML elements for Google Chrome, I came across this information on this page:

p {
    display: block;
    -webkit-margin-before: 1__qem;
    -webkit-margin-after: 1__qem;
    -webkit-margin-start: 0;
    -webkit-margin-end: 0;

I'm curious, what exactly does 1__qem signify?

Answer №1

According to the WebKit source, you can find more information at CSSPrimitiveValue.h

// Dealing with quirky margins in reflow roots like WinIE 
// The idea is to use __qem (quirky em) instead of em in stylesheets
// When using the quirky value in quirks mode, the margin will collapse inside a table cell.

To learn more about Quirks Mode, visit

It's safe to assume that for modern sites not in Quirks Mode, __qem behaves the same as em.

Answer №2

The list includes elements like "1__qem".

I'm not exactly sure what these signify. The only source I could locate on this topic is a comment by Bill Brown on the CSS-Discuss forum. He mentioned:

I think qem represents "quirky em" and is a specific Webkit format used to describe a margin that can be collapsed when the page is in quirks mode.

According to Tab Atkins, it's some kind of "WebKit magic" :-)


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