What is the best choice for my CSS: creating a block or an element using BEM methodology

** According to the official BEM website **

Create a block: If a section of code can be reused and does not rely on other page components being implemented.

Create an element: If a section of code cannot be used separately without the parent entity (the block).

I have an "about section" block. Its elements depend on the parent and are not reusable on the website. How should I structure this code according to BEM? This code is breaking the BEM rule because it's BEM, not BEEM.

<section class="about">
    <div class="about__container">
      <div class="about__header">
        <h2 class="about__title">about title</h2>
        <p class="about__sub-title">about sub title </p>
      <div class="about__stats">
        <div class="about__stats__item">
          <div class="about__stats__title">stats title</div>
          <div class="about__stats__sub-title">stats sub title</div>
      <div class="about__features">
        <div class="about__features__item">
          <div class="about__features__icon">features icon </div>
          <div class="about__features__title">features title </div>

Answer №1

There are two possible solutions to consider:

<section class="about">
<div class="about__container">
  <div class="about__stats">
    <div class="about__item">
      <div class="about__title">stats title</div>
      <div class="about__sub-title">stats sub title</div>
  <div class="about__features">
    <div class="about__item">
      <div class="about__icon">features icon </div>
      <div class="about__title">features title </div>


<section class="about">
<div class="about__container">
  <div class="stats">
    <div class="stats__item">
      <div class="stats__title">stats title</div>
      <div class="stats__sub-title">stats sub title</div>
  <div class="features">
    <div class="features__item">
      <div class="features__icon">features icon </div>
      <div class="features__title">features title </div>

Solution 1 should be chosen if the CSS titles inside the stats/features block are identical.

Solution 2 could be considered if you decide to relocate the entire features/stats block.

However, it is generally not advisable to have a grandchild (referred to as BEEM) in this structure.

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