AngularJS Toggle Directive tutorial: Building a toggle directive in Angular

I'm attempting to achieve a similar effect as demonstrated in this Stack Overflow post, but within the context of AngularJS. The goal is to trigger a 180-degree rotation animation on a button when it's clicked – counterclockwise if active and clockwise if inactive.

While I grasp the fundamentals of directives, I'm struggling with incorporating CSS animations into my approach. I believe that utilizing the link function is key, yet implementation remains unclear. Presently, I have:

myApp.directive('toggle', [function() {
    return {
        controller: function($scope) {
          $scope.isActive = true;
        link: function (scope, element) {
          if (scope.isActive) {
            // apply counter-clockwise rotation via CSS
          } else {
            // revert button to original position with clockwise rotation
          scope.isActive = !scope.isActive;

My plan is to use the directive like so:

<button **toggle** class="btn btn-link"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span></button>

Am I headed in the right direction? Progress feels promising, yet nuances arising from integrating AngularJS give rise to uncertainty. Despite the challenges, I'm determined to master an Angular-friendly solution even though accomplishing this task would be simpler with jQuery. Your guidance is greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

Answer №1

If you want to change the appearance of an element based on a variable, consider using ng-class instead of creating a custom directive.

For example, your span could have classes applied dynamically like so:

<span ng-class="{'glyphicon-chevron-down':!clicked,'glyphicon-chevron-right':clicked,'glyphicon':true}">

In this case, 'clicked' is a $scope variable that will toggle the classes when the button is clicked.

See it in action here

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