What causes images to unexpectedly expand to fill the entire screen upon switching routes in Next.js?

I'm in the process of creating a website using Next and Typescript, with some interesting packages incorporated:

  1. Framer-motion for smooth page transitions
  2. Gsap for easy animations

One issue I encountered was when setting images like this:

    <div className={`figureContainer ${styles.figureContainer}>
        <Image layout="fill" objectFit="contain" src={lockIcon} alt="scx figure" priority={index === 0? true : false } />
        <div className={styles.menuTitle}>{item}</div>

and having a base style set in the CSS for the figure container class:

  width: 50%;
  height: 100%;
  position: relative;
  transition: filter 0.4s;

Upon testing my site locally, everything seemed fine. However, upon deploying it to Vercel and navigating to a different route, I noticed that the images suddenly jumped to fill the screen. It appeared as if the image was positioned absolutely and the body relatively without any other parent elements being tentatively set as relative.

This unexpected behavior only occurred when changing routes on the deployed app at: . Why is this happening and how can it be resolved?

Answer №1

Hello there! I recently encountered a similar issue while using next/image and FramerMotion. However, I managed to resolve it by organizing all the content in my pages/index.tsx file into a separate IndexScreen.tsx file, which I then imported dynamically like this:

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

const IndexScreen = dynamic<IndexScreenProps>(() => import('@/screens/indexScreen').then(mod => mod.IndexScreen), {
    ssr: false,

I'm not entirely sure if it's the most optimal solution, but it did the trick for me!

If you're interested, here are some helpful resources that guided me through this process: Next.js Dynamic Import Documentation For those using TypeScript: Handling Next.js Dynamic Import Issue

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