Attempting to connect JQuery to a different page through a data attribute connection

I am currently working on a slider that connects slides from an external page through data attributes.

Here is the setup:

Main Page

<div id="sitewrapper">
    <section class="sliderwrapper">
        <div id="slider" data-source="slides-page.html" data-speed="500" data-easing="swing">

        <div id="loader"><span id="load"></span></div>
        <a class="button" id="back"></a>
        <a class="button" id="next"></a>
<!--end sitewrapper-->

    $(function() { //run when the DOM is ready
   $('.internalclick').click(function(e) {
       alert("I clicked Area Tag" + $(this).attr('data-direct'));


Slides page (slides-page.html)

    <li class="hslide" data-id="1"><img src="content/01.png" usemap="#Map">
      <map name="Map">
        <area shape="rect" coords="331,158,538,297" href="#" class="internalclick" data-direct="I-need-to-direct">
        <area shape="rect" coords="546,154,745,305" href="#">
        <area shape="rect" coords="331,311,543,445" href="#">
        <area shape="rect" coords="550,309,733,443" href="#">
    <li class="hslide" data-id="2"><img src="content/02.png"></li>
    <li class="hslide" data-id="3"><img src="content/03.png"></li>
    <li class="hslide" data-id="4"><img src="content/04.png"></li>


While everything seems to be working fine, I encountered a problem when attempting to add a Click function to specific list elements in the slides page. The issue arises with

href="#" class="internalclick" data-direct="I-need-to-direct"
. I am having difficulty accessing it.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas on how to create a click function that targets the area tag in the slides page, please let me know.

Thank you.

Answer №1

The issue arises from the fact that the script for internalclick is being loaded after the event handlers are added. To resolve this, you should implement event delegation.

$("#sitewrapper").on("click", ".internalclick", function(e) { 
    var direct = $(this).data("direct");

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