Troubleshooting: Django project not functioning properly post transfer from Windows to Mac

Using Django 3.1.7 on a MacBook Pro now, I recently moved the Django project from a Windows 10 machine. Despite setting up the database and superuser again, running pipenv sync didn't result in serving any of my URLs or Admin page CSS styles. The server runs fine, but only the '/admin' page works while all other pages show my custom 404 page. Is there a solution to this issue? What could be causing it? Where can I locate the Admin CSS files?

Answer №1

Execute the command 'python runserver --insecure' 

To ensure that static files are served using the staticfiles app, even when the DEBUG setting is set to False, include the --insecure option. djangoproject

Answer №2

It appears that further information is necessary, particularly the files in question.

There are numerous possible issues to consider. Have you verified that is correctly referencing file paths? In, have you confirmed that the html files are located in the same directory? Are the html files stored in the appropriate folder? Is there consistency among Django and module versions? The list of potential concerns is extensive.

Answer №3

Encountering this issue seems to be a common occurrence. The problem might arise from the file path using different types of slashes, either forward or backslash, causing inconsistencies between machines.

I am unsure about how to resolve it in a way that caters to both situations.

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