Can implementing $routeProvider help reduce data usage on a network?

Take a look at this $routeProvider configuration for the navbar and let's assume there is no caching involved

    app.config(function($routeProvider) {
        .when('/', {
            templateUrl : 'pages/home.html',
            controller  : 'mainController'
        .when('/about', {
            templateUrl : 'pages/about.html',
            controller  : 'aboutController'
        .when('/contact', {
            templateUrl : 'pages/contact.html',
            controller  : 'contactController'

I came across online information stating that one of the benefits of Single Page Applications is saving network bandwidth since it doesn't have to transfer HTML tags every time a user switches pages.

But in a scenario like the one mentioned above where the navbar includes links to home, about, and contact pages that are routed separately, wouldn't it still require transferring HTML tags each time?

Does it still reduce network bandwidth by avoiding the transfer of HTML tags?

Answer №1

When considering the impact on network bandwidth, it's a bit of a mixed bag. While there are ways to minimize data usage, such as utilizing a single-page website with dynamic div displays like this example, it can be challenging without a solid understanding of jQuery. If you're looking for insights, I managed to extract the jQuery code from the mentioned site but haven't been able to make it fully functional. Feel free to check out my Codepen for the extracted code below and reach out if you encounter any breakthroughs!

EDIT: I've cracked the jQuery puzzle! Below is the complete script available in my Codepen ;).









body {
  padding-top: 4em

#navbar {
                    width: 14em;
                    padding: 0.5em;

                #navbar h1 {
                    margin-top: 1em;
                    margin-bottom: 2em;
                    display: block;

                #navbar ul li {
                    display: list-item;
                    margin: 0.2em 0em;

                #navbar ul {
                    margin: 1.4em;
                    display: block;

                #page {
                    padding-top: 0;
                    padding-left: 16.5em;
#navbar {
                position: fixed;
                width: 100%;
                height: 3em;
                top: 0;
                left: 0;
                background-color: #282726;
                box-shadow: inset -1em 0 2em rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
                color: #FFFFFF;
                text-shadow: 0 0 1em rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
                text-align: center;
                z-index: 100;
                font-size: 110%;

            #navbar h1 {
                font-size: 2em;
                color: #0077FF;
                margin: 0.2em;
                display: inline;

            #navbar ul {
                list-style: none;
                font-size: 1.4em;
                text-align: left;
                margin: 0.6em;
                display: inline;

            #navbar ul li {
                margin: 0.2em;
                display: inline;
                cursor: pointer;

            #navbar ul li:hover,#navbar ul li.selected {
                color: #0077FF;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="navbar">
<h1>Sample Page</h1>
<li id="nav-home" class="selected">-&nbsp;Home</li>
<li id="nav-projects">-&nbsp;Projects</li>
<li id="nav-contact">-&nbsp;Contact</li>

<div id="home">Home Items Here</div>

<div id="projects" style="display: none;">Project List Here</div>

<div id="contact" style="display: none;">Contact Me here</div>

Answer №2

Utilizing $routeProvider enables the continuation of a single page application. It simply alters the content of the web page without having to refresh the entire page from scratch.

- script.js             <!-- houses all angular code -->
- index.html            <!-- primary layout -->
- pages                 <!-- additional pages injected into the main layout -->
----- home.html
----- about.html
----- contact.html

In this coding structure, only the pages injected into index.html will be affected by using $routeprovider, not the index.html itself. This means that when switching between pages, the content is fetched from the client side rather than the server side.

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