Encase a group of child elements within a parent container using

Currently, I am able to wrap an entire li-element in an ordered list with a link:

$(e).wrap('<a href="#" onclick="window.open(\'/xyz/\');return false;"></a>');

This is the HTML construct:

<li class="">
    <img src="http://img.example.com/images/bdb/2474566/600x338.jpg" class="xx">
<li class="">
    <img src="http://img.example.com/images/bdb/2474566/600x338.jpg" class="xx">
<a onclick="window.open('/something/');return false;" href="#">
    <li class="">
        <img src="http://img.example.com/images/bdb/2474566/600x338.jpg" class="xx">

I am looking for a way to wrap the link only around the image itself and not around the entire list element. How can I achieve this?

Answer №1

Give this a shot,

$("#unorderedList listItems images").wrap('<a href="#" onclick="window.open(\'/abc/\');return false;"></a>');

Answer №2

Check out this code snippet to see if it meets your needs. The trick here is to ensure you wrap the e variable before converting it into a jQuery object. Then, use $e.html() as needed.

var e = '<li class=""><img src="http://img.example.com/images/bdb/2474566/600x338.jpg" class="xx"></li><li class=""><img src="http://img.example.com/images/bdb/2474566/600x338.jpg" class="xx"></li>';
var $e = $("<ul>"+e+"</ul>");
$new.find("img").wrap('<a href="#" onclick="window.open(\'/xyz/\');return false;"></a>');

Take a look at the live demonstration HERE.

Answer №3

the most effective way to achieve this:

let imageContent = $(e).html();
$(e).html('<a href="#" onclick="window.open(\'/abc/\');return false;">' + imageContent + '</a>‘);

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