What is the best way to create square editor tabs in Eclipse without using swt-border-radius?

The design of Eclipse's rounded and/or swooshing tabs is starting to feel outdated in today's modern era.

I thought that by adding the following line in my default.css file, I could get rid of the rounded corners:

swt-corner-radius: 0px

However, no matter what I do, I can't seem to change the appearance of the main editor tabs.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could achieve this, or if it's even possible? I'm currently developing an RCP app based on Eclipse Kepler.

Answer №1


swt-easy: true;

Eliminates the 'swipe' (angled edge).

The traditional tab designer consistently creates a slightly curved top left and right corners. To change this, you would have to develop your own tab designer - which can be specified using something like:

swt-tab-designer: url('bundleclass://plugin id/package.TabDesigning');

however, this can be quite complex!

Finally, you can always synchronize the outline colors with the background to make them invisible - such as this:

Answer №2

The latest version of Eclipse (4.16), which was officially released in June 2020, now allows users to set square editor tabs by adjusting the corner radius to 0:

swt-corner-radius : 0px;

It's worth noting that even using a small value below 6px will also result in square tabs.

For a visual representation, check out how it looks here: https://i.stack.imgur.com/RTBCd.png

To learn more about this update, refer to the platform announcement and the technical implementation details can be found in bug 538740.

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