Using the jQuery method `fadeToggle` to handle the functionality of multiple buttons toggling hidden text

I am struggling to make fadeToggle work properly. I want to reveal text when clicking on another div. Since I plan to use this for multiple elements, I am looking for a smart and efficient way to handle them all.

Here is my current attempt which does not seem to work (I suspect I am not using "this" correctly):

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#daily').click(function () {
    $('this p').fadeToggle(100);
  $('#color').click(function () {
    $('this p').fadeToggle(100);
  $('#bw').click(function () {
    $('this p').fadeToggle(100);

Check out the jsfiddle:

I would like to incorporate this with a .load() call, but I am unsure if that will affect anything.

Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could make it so that revealing a new text block closes any currently open ones for bonus points.

Answer №1

To make your code more efficient, consider using classes instead of ids for selectors. Additionally, the correct syntax for selecting elements is $('.selectopt') rather than $('this p').

$('.selectopt').click(function () {

For a demonstration, view this Demo Fiddle

Answer №2

Enhanced the styling of the paragraphs.

<div class="customize">
        <div id="daily" class="customize-opt">Daily</div>
        <p class="custom-daily">Daily photos and details</p>
        <div id="color" class="customize-opt">Colorful</div>
        <p class="custom-color">Colorful imagery description</p>
        <div id="bw"  class="customize-opt">Monochrome</div>
        <p class="custom-bw">Black and White picture details</p>

This customizes all options effectively.

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.customize-opt').click(function () {
        var x = $(this).attr('id');
        $('.' + x + '-details').fadeToggle(100);

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