How do I alter the color of a Vue 3 font awesome icon?

I am currently using Vue version 3.2.1 and have followed the official Font Awesome documentation for Vue 3 found at I also referenced a helpful video tutorial:

Despite my efforts, I am struggling to change the color of the icons. Interestingly, I have been able to modify the background color (as seen with the up arrow in the screenshot) and adjust the opacity (as demonstrated by the baby carriage icon in the screenshot).

Below is the snippet of my code:


// BEGIN font awesome icons, following
import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'

import { FontAwesomeIcon, fontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'
import { fas } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'  
import { fab } from '@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons'  
import { far } from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons'  

import { dom } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' 

library.add(fas, fab, far)

// END font awesome icons

And ReviewDetails.vue, where I've explored various attempts:

    <div style="color:red">
    <fa icon="broom" size="lg"/>
    <fa icon="star" size="lg" style="color: var(--warning)" /> &nbsp;
    <span style="color: var(--warning)"> <fa :icon="['fas', 'question']" fill="color:red" size="lg"/></span> &nbsp;
    <fa icon="arrow-up" size="lg" style="background:MistyRose" /> &nbsp;
    <fa icon="heart" style="color: var(--warning)" size="lg" /> &nbsp;
    <fa icon="bone" style="color:#E1FF00" size="lg"/> &nbsp;
    <fa icon="arrow-alt-circle-down" style="fill:#E1FF00" size="lg"/> &nbsp;
    <fa icon="bomb" fill="#E1FF00" size="lg"/> &nbsp;
    <fa icon="baby-carriage" size="lg" style="opacity: 0.2; color: rgb(222, 226, 230)"/> &nbsp;
    <fa :icon="['far', 'star']" size="lg"  style="color: #E1FF00" />

Attached is a screenshot displaying the output of the above code:

In addition, no specific local or global CSS rules have been applied to target the icons directly. [UPDATE] Upon inspecting in the browser, it appears that the color is being controlled by the following styles in main.css (if I alter color: var(--primary); below to something like color: rgb(242, 114, 12);, the color of the icons and most text updates accordingly):

/* variables */
:root {
  --primary: rgb(33, 37, 41); 
  --secondary: rgb(28, 117, 188);
  --warning: #da0f41;

 * {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; 
  color: var(--primary);
  line-height: 1.40; 
  font-size: 1.07rem; 

UPDATE: I have tested all potential solutions across Firefox, Safari, and Chrome browsers with consistent results.

Thank you!

Answer №1

The guide clearly outlines that there may be an error in the way you inputted the style parameter

Give this code a shot:

<fa :style="{color: 'white'}" icon="heart"></fa>

Answer №2

When using pure CSS, finding the element and setting the fill color directly through its path is key. For the most accurate selection of elements, right-click and inspect with the console is recommended.

<fa icon="bomb" color="#E1FF00" id="my_bomb_icon" size="lg"/>

In your CSS code (if inline color property doesn't work), you can add:

#my_bomb_icon path {
    fill: #E1FF00

Another option is to directly set the color as a property when creating the icon:

<fa color="red" icon="bomb"></fa>
. If you need a specific color, use the hex code like this:
<fa color="#3caa0c" icon="bomb"></fa>

Answer №3

It seems that the CSS code color: var(--primary); is overriding your custom color setting of --primary: rgb(33, 37, 41); for your icon. To address this issue, you can utilize CSS Specificity to achieve your desired outcome. One approach would be to target specific elements in your HTML structure:

<div id="main-div">
   <div class="wrapper-div" style="color:red">
      <fa class="red-icon" icon="broom" size="lg"/>

Then, in your CSS file, you can apply styles like this:

#main-div .wrapper-div .red-icon {
   color: red;

If this does not yield the desired result, it could be because the class="" attribute is not being rendered properly. In such cases, you can inspect the element in your browser to identify where the <fa> tag is being rendered and adjust your CSS accordingly.

Answer №4

I found a clever solution to the problem. Check it out! (vue3 :deep())

Here is the code snippet:

<fa icon="xmark" size="2x" />

And here's the CSS to go along with it:

:deep(.fa-xmark path) {
   color: red;

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