How can I include inline CSS directly within a string instead of using an object?

Is there a way to write inline CSS in a string format instead of an object format?

I attempted the following, but it did not work as expected:

<div style={"color:red;font-weight:bold"}> Hello there </div>

What is my reason for wanting to do this?

My usual workflow involves initially writing inline CSS and once it looks good in the browser, I copy and paste that inline code into my .scss file.
Using objects would require me to convert them into CSS format first before pasting them into my file, which seems quite tedious.

(Note: If direct string formatting is not possible, I am also considering using a VSCode extension that can easily convert objects into CSS.)

Answer №1

Using a string instead of inline styles in React may not be easily achievable without some workaround that could end up being more trouble than it's worth.¹ According to the documentation:

When incorporating inline styles in React, you can utilize React.CSSProperties to define the object passed to the style prop. This type encompasses all potential CSS properties and ensures valid CSS properties are provided to the style prop while enabling autocomplete in your editor.

interface MyComponentProps {
  style: React.CSSProperties;

In discussions, Konrad referenced this question, which contains a solution connected to a tool for conversion between the two formats.

¹ As highlighted by Konrad, there is also a reference to this blog post showcasing code for a function that converts a string into an object during runtime. It is possible to implement

style={theFunction("your styles")}
. However, apart from needless complexity, this approach would necessitate re-conversion of the string on every render (unless memoized, leading to memory costs and further complications...). Nevertheless, it remains an alternative.

Answer №2

In case anyone was curious, I ultimately decided to utilize this particular extension

Out of the options available, this one was the most effective for my needs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Answer №3

Avoid employing Object and instead opt for this approach

<div style="color:red;font-weight:bold"> Greetings! </div>

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