Troubleshooting the Issue: Iscroll.js Child Element Overflow Scroll Problem on iOS Devices

In my current project, I'm utilizing Iscroll.js to create a design where all elements must adjust to the height of the screen with a significant horizontal scroll. However, I've encountered an issue with certain elements overflowing vertically based on their content length.

To address this problem, I applied "overflow-y: scroll" to these elements, which works perfectly on desktop browsers but not on mobile devices.

Even after attempting to use the webkit prefix -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch, the vertical scrolling function still doesn't work as expected.

The CSS for my vertical scroll elements is:

  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  overflow-y: scroll;
  -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; 

You may view the site here:

Answer №1

If you're interested, I was able to resolve this issue by reverting to IScroll and implementing multiple nested scrollers within my main scroller. I followed a similar approach as discussed in this thread.

Essentially, I created an array to store all of my IScroll objects, looped through each element that needed to be scrollable, retrieved its ID, and then added a new array element and IScroll Object using the obtained ID. Here's a snippet of my code:



var currentCardID = '#' +; // Get Scrollable Area's ID

myscrollers[vertScrollCounter++] = new IScroll(currentCardID, {
scrollX: true,
scrollY: true,
mouseWheel: true,
momentum: false


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