Use a boolean value to determine the styling of multiple items simultaneously

I'm currently attempting to modify the appearance of the bars in each area (a total of 12), so that a value of 1 equates to true (displayed as green) and a value of 0 equates to false (displayed as red). This will dynamically change the color of each bar based on the data received from the back-end.

I'm struggling to determine the most effective approach for achieving this.

Here's my current progress:

function createPeg(name, checkActive ){

  const uiProgressBar = document.querySelector(`.${name}-bar-fill`);


const allPegs = [
  createPeg('peg-1', pegActive["one"] == 0),
  createPeg('peg-2', pegActive["two"] == 1),
  createPeg('peg-3', pegActive["three"] == 1),
  createPeg('peg-4', pegActive["four"] == 1),
  createPeg('peg-5', pegActive["five"] == 1),
  createPeg('peg-6', pegActive["six"] == 1),
  createPeg('peg-7', pegActive["seven"] == 1),
  createPeg('peg-8', pegActive["eight"] == 1),
  createPeg('peg-9', pegActive["nine"] == 0),
  createPeg('peg-10', pegActive["ten"] == 1),
  createPeg('peg-11', pegActive["eleven"] == 1),
  createPeg('peg-12', pegActive["twelve"] == 1),

for(let i=0; i<allPegs.length; i++){
    if(allPegs[i] == 1){ = "green";
    } else if(allPegs[i] == 0){ = "red";
    //to test is working
    else{ = "blue";


.peg-1-bar-fill {
  border-radius: 50px;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 400px;


<div class="peg-wrapper">
  <div class="peg-name-1">
        <div class="peg-1-start-time total-time">
          <p class="label-2">Length:</p>
          <span id="total-time-1">-</span>
        <div class="peg-1-bar">
          <div class="peg-1-bar-fill">

Answer №1

Why not consider using a ternary operator? These operators provide a succinct way to handle simple if statements.

foo === bar ? executeIfTrue() : executeIfFalse();

You can potentially assign class names dynamically inline using ternary operators.

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