The grid is out of alignment, causing elements to jump to the next row

After taking an online course at TreeHouse, I used the provided HTML & CSS code and made some adjustments to create a layout with 10 columns instead of the original 12 within a 1000px container. The columns were converted to percentages to fit my needs.

Initially, the layout was working fine with 12 columns, so the issue may be due to errors in my calculations. However, I have double-checked the numbers and am confident they are correct.

If you'd like to take a look, you can visit or

I would appreciate it if someone could review my work with fresh eyes. Thanks! :D

Answer №1

To achieve the desired layout, you need to include the following CSS rule: display: inline-block in both your .grid_2 and .grid_8 classes.

By default, elements with display set to block will each occupy a new line on the webpage.

Take a look at this illustration

The divs #2, #3, and #4 are styled as display: block, while the inline blocks are positioned next to each other in the same line

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