What is the best way to implement CSS Float in typescript programming?

For a specific purpose, I am passing CSS Float as props. To achieve this, I have to define it in the following way:

type Props = {
 float: ????
const Component = ({
}: Props) => {......}

What is the most effective approach to accomplish this?

I understand that I can create my own custom type by copying and pasting with options like

left | right | none | inline-start | inline-end
, but is there a less fragile method available?

Answer №1

When working with React, you have access to its own type called CSSProperties:

import { CSSProperties } from "react";

type Props = {
    position: Exclude<CSSProperties["position"], undefined>; // or Required<CSSProperties>["position"]

Check out the Playground here

Answer №2

interface Properties = {
  floatingVariable?: string

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