Tips for adjusting the font size according to the varying number of characters entered

I am currently facing a challenge with adjusting the font size based on the dynamic number of characters. For example, I have a set of characters with a font-size of 40px, and as more characters are added, the font size should decrease to fit within the available space.

Below is my HTML code:

<table width="620"><tr><td width="30%"></td><td ><span style="font-size:40px; font-size: 1.8vw; font-weight:bold;">BhairavPrasadVishwanatham</span><br/><span class="text-danger" style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;">VISITOR </span><br/><span class="h4 m-t-mini">XYZ</span><span class="clearfix text-center m-t-large"></span><br/><span class="h4 m-b-mini text-center">To See:</span><br/><span class="h3 text-bold m-b-small text-center">ABC</span><td></tr><tr><td></td><td><span class="clearfix"><br/><span style="font-size:16px;">Valid Thru: 26-05-2016</span><br/><br/></td></tr><td></td></tr></table>

My goal is for the name "BhairavprasadVishwanatham" to automatically adjust its font size based on the number of characters entered. For instance, if more than 9 characters are entered, the font should be reduced to fit within the specified td.

Answer №1

To enhance the styling of your span, include a new class:

<span class="h3 text-bold m-b-small text-center checkSize">ABC</span><td></tr><tr><td></td><td><span class="clearfix"><br/><span style="font-size:16px;">Valid Thru: 26-05-2016</span>

Next, use jQuery to achieve the desired effect:

$(".checkSize").each(function() {
    if ($(this).html().length > 20) $(this)..css( "font-size", '5px' )

Answer №2

Simple and efficient solution using vanilla JavaScript

<span class="decreaseFontSize">
    Adjust the text size as needed
var element = document.querySelector('.decreaseFontSize');
var textContent = element.innerText || element.textContent;
var finalFontSize = 36;
if(textContent.length < 10){
   finalFontSize = 36;
if(textContent.length < 6){
   finalFontSize = 18;
... = finalFontSize+'px';

However, if you want the text to always fit in one line and automatically scale based on character width rather than number of characters (e.g., 'w' wider than 'i' in non-monospaced fonts), using a scalable image like an SVG with estimated letter widths might be more suitable.

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