PHP code for displaying images on the same level

Is there a way to position images side by side in PHP? For example:

image image image image.

Currently, with the following code:

print "</h2><br><a href='form.php'><img src=***.jpg width=100 height=100  /><br>
House Specifications </a><br><div>";
echo "<br>";
print "</h2><br><a href='devices.php'><img src=***.jpg width=100 height=100  /><br>Devices  </a><br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "</h2><br><a href='new_info.php'><img src=***.jpg width=100 height=100  /><br>
Change Contact Info</a><br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "</h2><br><a href='events.php'><img src=***.jpgwidth=100 height=100  /><br>
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
print "<br></h2><br><div align= 'center'><a href='logout.php'><img src=***.jpg width=100 height=100  /><br>Logout</a><br>";

;the output appears as follows:





I would appreciate any assistance regarding this matter.

Answer №1

To fix the broken HTML, remove all tags that are creating newlines in the browser. This is a CSS / HTML question, not related to PHP.

You can update the code like this:

// Create container div
echo "<div>";
// Display each image on a separate line
echo "<a href='form.php'><img src='img1.jpg' width='100' height='100' /></a>";
echo "<a href='form.php'><img src='img2.jpg' width='100' height='100'  /></a>";
echo "<a href='form.php'><img src='img3.jpg' width='100' height='100'  /></a>";
echo "<a href='form.php'><img src='img4.jpg' width='100' height='100' /></a>";
echo "</div>";

By the way, you don't necessarily need PHP for these tasks.

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