React-Toolbox: Attempting to horizontally align the Cards side by side

When working with React-Toolbox, I encountered an issue with aligning Card elements horizontally. I attempted using display: inline-block, which successfully separated them into three distinct cards as desired. However, they did not align next to one another.

import { Card, CardText } from "react-toolbox/lib/card";

const ThemedCard = ({
  bodyText = "",
  actions = {}
}) => {
  return (
          padding: "1rem 0 3rem",
          fontSize: "3.5rem"
        {...{ className }}
        style={{ width: "350px", display: "inline-block" }}
          {bodyTitle ? <Title>{bodyTitle}</Title> : null}

          {objectToArray(actions).map(action => {
            return (
                <ButtonLink {...action} to={urlResolver(} />
                <br />
                <br />
        {...{ className }}
        style={{ width: "350px", display: "inline-block" }}
          {bodyTitle ? <Title>{bodyTitle}</Title> : null}

          {objectToArray(actions).map(action => {
            return (
                <ButtonLink {...action} to={urlResolver(} />
                <br />
                <br />
        {...{ className }}
        style={{ width: "350px", display: "inline-block" }}
          {bodyTitle ? <Title>{bodyTitle}</Title> : null}

          {objectToArray(actions).map(action => {
            return (
                <ButtonLink {...action} to={urlResolver(} />
                <br />
                <br />

Answer №1

If you want to improve the layout, consider using display: flex property. Enclose all Card components within a div that has display: flex.

<div style={{display: flex}}>
    {...{ className }}
    style={{ width: "350px" }}
      {bodyTitle ? <Title>{bodyTitle}</Title> : null}

      {objectToArray(actions).map(action => {
        return (
            <ButtonLink {...action} to={urlResolver(} />
            <br />
            <br />
    {...{ className }}
    style={{ width: "350px" }}
      {bodyTitle ? <Title>{bodyTitle}</Title> : null}

      {objectToArray(actions).map(action => {
        return (
            <ButtonLink {...action} to={urlResolver(} />
            <br />
            <br />

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