What is the best way to define coordinates or set margins for the autoTable component in jsPdf when using React js?

While working with the jsPdf library to create a PDF in React, I am encountering an issue where I am unable to set margins for the autoTable when there are multiple tables on a single page.

Below is the code snippet:

import React from "react";

var { jsPDF } = require("jspdf");

function ShowPdf() {
  const [head] = React.useState(["Name", "Email", "Country"]);
  const [body] = React.useState([
    ["David", "<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="1f7b7e69767b5f7a677e726f737a317c7072">[email protected]</a>", "Sweden"],
  const generatePDF = () => {
    let doc = new jsPDF("p", "pt", "a4");

    doc.setFont("Calibri", "bold");
    doc.setTextColor(14, 3, 64);
    doc.text("Table 1", 20, 140);
    doc.line(20, 142, 550, 142);

    doc.text("Table 2", 20, 300);
    doc.line(20, 302, 550, 302);

      margin: { top: 150, left: 20, bottom: 30 },
      head: [head],
      body: [body[0], body[1], body[2], body[3], body[4]],

      margin: { top: 400, left: 20, bottom: 30 },
      head: [head],
      body: [body[0], body[1], body[2], body[3], body[4]],

    window.open(doc.output("bloburl"), "_blank");
  return (
      <button onClick={generatePDF} type="primary">
        Generate PDF

export default ShowPdf;

The margin setting seems to work correctly for the first table, but it does not have any effect on the second table!

I'm wondering if it's possible to provide x and y coordinates for jsPdf autotable?


Answer №1

Found the solution! Utilizing startY will allow us to supply y coordinates for the table.

Answer №2

By adjusting the default margins, I was able to solve my problem. Simply setting the left margin to 15 pixels made the table align correctly!

autoTable(docPDF, {
  startY: 80,
  tableWidth: 600,
  margin: {
    left: 15,
  styles: {font: 'helvetica', overflow: "ellipsize"},

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