The issue of the color CSS rule not being applied to the button element when transitioning from disabled to enabled on browsers like Safari 14+ is a common challenge

There seems to be an issue with frontend form validation code affecting the disabled attribute of a submit button within a form.

Two different css rules are applied for the enabled and disabled states, including changes in the text color of the button element.

An unusual bug has been identified on Safari/Webkit browsers, specifically in versions 14 and above. Interestingly, this bug does not occur in previous versions of Safari.

Despite updating the CSS rules for the button's color when it is enabled, the text remains greyed out in these newer Safari versions. The Devtools show the correct color value in the computed property (refer to screenshots), but the browser fails to apply it.

Could this be a known issue that others have encountered?

Note: My project involves the material-UI framework, adding additional layers of complexity that make it challenging to provide a simplified code sample. However, since this issue appears only on specific platforms, it is likely that material-ui is not the root cause.

Answer №1

This particular issue was identified in Safari versions 14.1 through 14.6, but thankfully it has been resolved with the release of version 14.7.

For more details on the root cause of this bug, please refer to this link.

You can also find additional insights and information about this issue here.

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