Conflict with choosing options identified when using Select Box on IOS iPad mini

I am currently attempting to display a select box with scrolling on an iOS iPad mini.

Issue: The options are not appearing inside the select box, instead they are overflowing outside of it in the popover.


.indicators_geography {
    font-size: 12px;
    height: 105px;
    overflow-x: scroll;
    width: 169px;


<select class="indicators_geography" name="" multiple="multiple" id="" size="10">
<option is_adjustment="0" title="" value="2593">011</option>
<option is_adjustment="0" title="" value="2593">012</option>
<option is_adjustment="0" title="" value="2593">013</option>
<option is_adjustment="0" title="" value="2593">013</option>
<option is_adjustment="0" title="" value="2593">014</option>

The option values provided above are placeholders. Please disregard them.


Answer №1

For improved functionality, you may consider implementing a scrollable feature by utilizing the CSS property overflow: scroll rather than just overflow-x. Have you given this approach a try?

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