Looking to duplicate the elements with the click of a button?

I am in need of assistance with my registration form.

My goal is to move the elements contained within the <fieldset> tags to the end of a row when the user clicks the + button.

The result you see initially has been recreated.

Thank you for your support

  function myFunction() {

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Information Form</title>

<h2 class="fs-title">Registration Form</h2>
<div class="form-item webform-component webform-component-textfield hs_average_gift_size_in_year_2 field hs-form-field" id="webform-component-cultivation--amount-2">
<div style="width: 17%;float: right;">
<!-- Begin W_Language Field -->
<label for="W_Language">LANGUAGE</label>
<select id="W_Language" class="form-control" name="W_Language">
<option selected>NONE</option> 
<!-- End W_Language Field -->
<div style="width: 17%;float: right;">
<!-- Begin exam Field -->
<label for="W_exam">EXAM</label>
<select id="W_exam" class="form-control" name="W_exam">
<option selected>NONE</option> 
<!-- End W_exam Field -->
<div style="width: 8%;float: left;">
<!-- Begin W_Language Field -->
<button onclick="myFunction();return false" class="btn1" >+</button>
<div style="width: 12%;float: left;">
<!-- Begin W_Language Field -->
<label for="W_Speack">speak</label>
<select id="W_Language" class="form-control" name="W_Language">
<option selected>4</option> 
<!-- End W_Language Field -->
<div style="width: 12%;float: left;">
<!-- Begin W_Language Field -->
<label for="W_Listen">listening</label>
<select id="W_Language" class="form-control" name="W_Language">
<option selected>4</option> 
<!-- End Language Field -->
<div style="width: 12%;float: left;">
<!-- Begin Language Field -->
<label for="W_Reading">reading</label>
<select id="Language" class="form-control" name="Language">
<option selected>4</option> 
<!-- End Language Field -->
<div style="width: 12%;float: left;">
<!-- Begin W_Writing Field -->
<label for="W_Writing">writing</label>
<select id="W_Writing" class="form-control" name="W_Writing">
<option selected>4</option> 
<!-- End W_Writing Field -->



Answer №1

If you want to duplicate elements, consider using the clone function.

The clone() method creates a replicate of selected elements along with their child nodes, text content, and attributes.

function duplicateElements() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" >
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Information Form</title>

<h2 class="fs-title">Registration Form</h2>
<!-- More form fields and buttons to duplicate -->



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