Unable to adjust iframe height

Below is a snippet of code that I am working with:

<style type="text/css">
border:1px solid blue;
border:1px solid red;
<div class="div_class">
<iframe src="http://www.w3schools.com/" class="iframe_class" />

The problem arises when trying to display only a section of the iframe within the enclosing div. The right and bottom borders of the iframe do not line up properly after repositioning it, as the height is set to 100% relative to the div.

Desired Outcome: I am seeking a solution where even after repositioning the iframe, the right and bottom borders align perfectly with those of the div. How can this be achieved?

Important Notes:

  1. http://www.w3schools.com/ is used as an example source. In reality, the iframe content will be determined by a PHP script.
  2. It's not feasible to set the iframe height to 218+document_height_of_iframe_src since the source is dynamically selected. Therefore, the height of document_height_of_iframe_src remains unknown. The same goes for document_width_of_iframe_src.
  3. All adjustments need to be made without relying on JavaScript.

Thank you in advance...

Answer №1

When dealing with element width and height, it's important to remember that margin and border styles are not part of the measurement. They have their own space in the layout. To address this issue, you can add bottom padding to the container (referred to as div_class) of the iframe_class like so:

border:1px solid blue;
/*adding padding to accommodate iframe border (top+bottom)*/
border:1px solid red;
/*removed. caused layout issues.

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