Is there a way to include a button at the top of the Notiflix.Loading() overlay for closing or stopping it?

I've integrated the "notiflix" library into my project, and I'm currently using notiflix.loading.pulse() for a lengthy process. While this works perfectly fine, I would like to add a button (for closing/stopping the process) on top of the loading overlay.

Is there a way to customize the overlay and place a button on it? The image below illustrates how the overlay covers the entire page when using notiflix.loading.pulse(). I specifically want to insert an HTML button onto this overlay.

Here is the link to notiflix

Answer №1

I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but to get rid of the loading screen, you can use this function:


This should make the loading screen disappear. I hope this helps :).

You can also check out some examples in the file on the GitHub repository.

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