Tips for including space at the beginning and end of a dynamically created table cell

My table is dynamically generated with contents drawn from a database, creating rows based on the data. Each cell has a rounded border and 2px padding for consistency.

I want all cells to appear evenly spaced and padded vertically, but I'm facing an issue where the top and bottom cells seem to have less padding compared to those in between due to lack of adjoining cells.

Is there a method to add extra 'padding-top' to the top cell and 'padding-bottom' to the bottom cell specifically, or am I approaching this problem incorrectly?

Note that the table is bordered, so any solution should maintain existing borders or apply them appropriately.

Here is the current structure of the table:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="display" id="example">
            <th width="268px">column one</th>
            <th width="156px">column two</th>
            <th width="188px">column three</th>
            <th width="70px">column four</th>
            <th width="62px">column five</th>
            <td colspan="5" class="Tables_empty">loading data</td>
            <th>column one</th>
            <th>column two</th>
            <th>column three</th>
            <th>column four</th>
            <th>column five</th>

Answer №1

Which specific cells are you referring to?

To adjust the padding for cells in the first and last rows of the table:

table#example tbody tr:first-child td, table#example tbody tr:last-child td { padding: 10px 5px } /* increase padding */

To modify the padding for the first and last cell in every row:

table#example tbody tr td:first-child, table#example tbody tr td:last-child { padding: 10px 5px } /* increase padding */

Answer №2

Greetings! Are you familiar with implementing this in your cascading style sheets?

margin:xxpx xxpx xxpx xxpx; // as per your requirements 

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