Strategies for adjusting text size to fit within a resizable div container

I'm facing an issue with a resizable div that has text inside. When I resize the div, the last line of the text goes beyond the boundaries of the div. How can I ensure that all the text fits within the resizable div while maintaining the appropriate font size?

Check out this sample code:

resize: function(e, ui) 
    var newDiagonal = getContentDiagonal();
    var ratio = newDiagonal / initDiagonal;

    $("#content").css("font-size", initFontSize + ratio * 3);

The image below illustrates the problem:

You can find the code here on Jsfiddle..!

Answer №1

It's actually very straightforward. As I observed in your fiddle, you included the following code:

#content { font-size: 16; overflow: hidden; }

Instead of just applying the overflow to the css for #content, I made a slight adjustment and it successfully worked for both the widget header and content sections:

#resizeable { width: 150px; height: 150px; overflow: hidden; }

Just a quick note, for overflow to function correctly, you need a block level element—like the div element you're using by default—and also specify a height value, which you've already done. Does this explanation address your query?

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