How to apply an icon image using the background property in CSS in Vue 3

Need help setting background image from the public folder

| |_images
|   |_icon.png

I'm having difficulty trying to set an image as a background in TheHeader.vue using CSS, but the image is located in the public folder.


 <input type="text" :style="background">

export default {
 computed: {
  background() {
   return { 
    'background': `url(${require('/images/search-icon.png')}) 5px center no-repeat;` 

Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '/images/search-icon.png' in C:/user...

even absolute path doesnt work

<style scoped>
input {
 background: url('../../../public/search-icon.png') 5px center no-repeat;
Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '../../../public/search-icon.png' in 'C:\user...

Answer №1

Two different paths are provided for the search icon:

and '/images/search-icon.png'. It is unclear if the search icon is located in an images folder or not. Assuming it is, the following code should resolve the issue:

background() {
  return {
    background: `url('/public/images/search-icon.png') 5px center no-repeat`


input {
  background: url('/public/images/search-icon.png') 5px center no-repeat;

should also work. It seems like you went up one directory level too far with your relative path.

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