Conceal the object, while revealing a void in its place

Is there a way to hide an image but keep the containing div blank with the same dimensions? I want it to appear as if no content was there, maintaining the original width and height.

For example:

After hiding, "Second!" appears before "First!", but I would like it to display as: First! (blank) Second!


<div class="loading">
<img id="loading" src="" class="none"/>


.loading{width: 32px;height:32px;}


function showLoading() {

Answer №1

Instead of using display:none, try using visibility:hidden

By changing the CSS property to visibility:hidden, the element remains in the DOM flow while appearing as if its opacity is set to 0.

Check out this quick demo showcasing how to use fadeOut:

Answer №2

To create a fading effect, I would utilize opacity.

function showLoading() {

In the code snippet above, the first 0 represents the duration while the second one indicates the opacity. Use 1 for showing and 0 for hiding.

However, the logic in your code is questionable. Why hide it, then instantly show it, only to wait 2.5 seconds before hiding it again?

I believe that the initial hiding step is unnecessary (the first line of the showLoading() function in my version of the code)

Alternatively, you may consider using .css("opacity",0) instead of .fadeTo(0,0), as it is likely more efficient.

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