Why is the Bootstrap template working on index.html but not on any other React components?

Greetings to all who stumble upon this post!

Hello, I have been diligently working on a React application and am eager to integrate a Bootstrap template. However, everything seems to be in order except for the responsiveness of the template. It lacks animation and is purely aesthetic.

Here is a working index example with animation when scrolling down: animation when scroll down

And here is an example of the same template not working properly within a React component: animation not working

The code for the index page looks like this:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <link rel="icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/favicon.ico" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />
      content="Web site created using create-react-app"
    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/logo192.png" />

        <!-- Favicon -->
        <link rel="icon" href="img/core-img/favicon.ico">

        <!-- Core Stylesheet -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/style.css">

        <!-- ##### All Javascript Script ##### -->
    <!-- jQuery-2.2.4 js -->
    <script src="js/jquery/jquery-2.2.4.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Popper js -->
    <script src="js/bootstrap/popper.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Bootstrap js -->
    <script src="js/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
    <!-- All Plugins js -->
    <script src="js/plugins/plugins.js"></script>
    <!-- Active js -->
    <script src="js/active.js"></script>


As for the code for Header.js:

   import React, { Component } from 'react'
import '../App.scss';
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';

export default class Header extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                    {/* ##### Header Area Start ##### */}
                    <header className="header-area">
                    {/* Navbar Area */}
                    <div className="palatin-main-menu">
                        <div className="classy-nav-container breakpoint-off">
                        <div className="container">
                            {/* Menu */}
                            <nav className="classy-navbar justify-content-between" id="palatinNav">
                            {/* Nav brand */}
                            <a href="index.html" className="nav-brand"><img src="img/core-img/logo.png" alt /></a>
                            {/* Navbar Toggler */}
                            <div className="classy-navbar-toggler">
                                <span className="navbarToggler"><span /><span /><span /></span>
                            {/* Menu */}
                            <div className="classy-menu">
                                {/* close btn */}
                                <div className="classycloseIcon">
                                <div className="cross-wrap"><span className="top" /><span className="bottom" /></div>
                                {/* Nav Start */}
                                <div className="classynav">
                                    <li className="active"><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
                                    <li><a href="about-us.html">About Us</a></li>
                                    <li><a href="#">Pages</a>
                                    <ul className="dropdown">
                                        <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
                                        <li><a href="about-us.html">About Us</a></li>
                                        <li><a href="services.html">Services</a></li>
function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
    <Header />

export default App;

I'm looking for advice on what changes to make or which additional installations are needed.

So far, I've already run "npm install bootstrap", "react-router-dom", and "npm install node-sass". Any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated as my creativity well is running dry. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

If you're looking for a reliable solution, I highly recommend utilizing the react-bootstrap module. It boasts comprehensive documentation and is designed in a modular way so that you only import the components you actually need.

To get started with react-bootstrap, follow these steps:

  • Run
    npm install react-bootstrap bootstrap
  • Include the bootstrap.min.css CDN link in your index.html
  • Add bootstrap.bundle.min.js as a script tag just before the closing body tag
  • Import bootstrap.min.css in your root index.js

Once you've completed these steps, you'll be able to easily import the necessary components from the react-bootstrap library whenever needed. For demonstration purposes, I've set up a sandbox featuring a jumbotron and modal window below.

Check out the sandbox here!

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