Positioning bar chart columns and text using CSS

My component generates HTML for a simple bar chart, with the height and background color computed within the component. Everything functions correctly, but I am facing an issue where long text causes displacement of the bar above it.

Another problem is that the width of the bars seems to depend on the width of the text, but that's a topic for another discussion.

When the viewport is wide enough, the chart looks like this:


However, when the viewport is smaller (this is the issue I want to address): https://i.sstatic.net/Xb73m.png

I believe there needs to be some offsetting for the rest of the bars and their labels?

<ul class="flex gap-3 items-end">
    <li class="flex flex-col flex-grow gap-1 content-center">
        <span style="height:42.666666666666664px;background-color:#d73027" title="Apple - 10">
        <div class="text-sm text-center">Apple</div>
    <li class="flex flex-col flex-grow gap-1 content-center">
        <span style="height:128px;background-color:#f46d43" title="Very Long Banana - 30">
        <div class="text-sm text-center">Very Long Banana</div>
    <li class="flex flex-col flex-grow gap-1 content-center">
        <span style="height:64px;background-color:#fdae61" title="Orange - 15">
        <div class="text-sm text-center">Orange</div>
    <li class="flex flex-col flex-grow gap-1 content-center">
        <span style="height:106.66666666666667px;background-color:#fee08b" title="Grape - 25">
        <div class="text-sm text-center">Grape</div>

Answer №1

Many solutions were suggested in the comments, and this is just one of them.

Edit: Check out @MagnusEffect's response for a simpler alternative.

If you prefer to maintain your current layout using an unordered list as a container for both bars and labels, consider wrapping all bars with a fixed-sized div for vertical alignment. Alternatively, you could split the bars and labels into two separate rows with equally sized items. I used absolute positioning within the wrapper divs for item placement; flexbox can also be utilized here.

You can utilize flex-basis alongside word-wrap to ensure equal widths across flex items. Using some form of overflow property for text overflow can serve as an alternative to word-wrap.

<!doctype html>

  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>

  <ul class="flex gap-3 items-start" style="width: 270px; resize: both; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid black">
    <li class="flex flex-col basis-0 flex-grow gap-1">
      <div class="relative" style="height: 128px;">
        <span class="absolute w-full bottom-0" style="height:42.666666666666664px;background-color:#d73027" title="Apple - 10"></span>
      <div class="text-sm text-center" style="word-wrap: anywhere;">Apple</div>
    <li class="flex flex-col basis-0 flex-grow gap-1">
      <div class="relative" style="height: 128px">
        <span class="absolute w-full bottom-0" style="height:128px;background-color:#f46d43" title="Very Long Banana - 30"></span>
      <div class="text-sm text-center" style="word-wrap: anywhere;">Very Long Banana</div>
    <li class="flex flex-col basis-0 flex-grow gap-1">
      <div class="relative" style="height: 128px">
        <span class="absolute w-full bottom-0" style="height:64px;background-color:#fdae61" title="Orange - 15"></span>
      <div class="text-sm text-center" style="word-wrap: anywhere;">Orange</div>
    <li class="flex flex-col basis-0 flex-grow gap-1">
      <div class="relative" style="height: 128px">
        <span class="absolute w-full bottom-0" style="height:106.66666666666667px;background-color:#fee08b" title="Grape - 25"></span>
      <div class="text-sm text-center" style="word-wrap: anywhere;">Grape</div>


Answer №2

When utilizing the items-end class, it aligns the object using the end (text).

To adjust this, switch to the items-baseline class and include flex-row in the <ul>.

The updated code will look like this:

<ul class="flex gap-3 flex-row items-baseline">
        <li class="flex flex-col flex-grow gap-1 content-center">
            <span style="height:42.666666666666664px;background-color:#d73027" title="Apple - 10">
            <div class="text-sm text-center">Apple</div>
        <li class="flex flex-col flex-grow gap-1 content-center">
            <span style="height:128px;background-color:#f46d43" title="Very Long Banana - 30">
            <div class="text-sm text-center">Very Long Banana</div>
        <li class="flex flex-col flex-grow gap-1 content-center">
            <span style="height:64px;background-color:#fdae61" title="Orange - 15">
            <div class="text-sm text-center">Orange</div>
        <li class="flex flex-col flex-grow gap-1 content-center">
            <span style="height:106.66666666666667px;background-color:#fee08b" title="Grape - 25">
            <div class="text-sm text-center">Grape</div>

For a visual demonstration, you can view it here on tailwind play

Answer №3

It is recommended to utilize the VW method for adding CSS to text elements. For instance, you can set the font size using a value like 16vw;

Here is a helpful reference link that you may want to explore: https://css-tricks.com/viewport-sized-typography/

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